
Today’s word is one that I am hearing a lot more often these days – boredom.  With this sudden change in our world from socializing to social distancing, the one thing my kids say over and over is “I am bored.”  By definition, boredom is an emotional or psychological state experienced when an individual is left without anything in particular to do, is not interested in their surroundings, or feels that a day or period is dull or tedious.  After my kids are finished with their online learning and have the day in front of them, it isn’t long before one of them shares that they are “bored.”  It is a feeling that I am also experiencing these days now that the hectic pace of my life two weeks ago has come to a screeching halt.  It is easy to lose an hour watching television or scrolling online and when that time is up, we are left feeling bored.  I have also noticed that as a family we seem to have less energy and less motivation to do things since we don’t have a schedule dictating what we will do.  Boredom can lead to many creative outcomes if we help switch our mindset to ways that we can fill this time with things we have always wanted to do.

My Reflections:
2 Challenges
  • Trying to find a way to help the kids combat their boredom while my husband and I are both working from home. 
  • Feeling tired and sluggish because I am not in a routine and I am not as active as I normally am when I am working outside of the home.
2 Positives
  • I had the chance to take a mid-day walk around the neighborhood with my younger son – we passed people we had never met before and noticed things that we had not previously noticed.
  • When I reframe my thoughts, I can easily find an activity that I have wanted to do (make a new meal, start a home project that I have been putting off, etc.).

What can you I differently tomorrow to decrease my feelings of boredom?
  • I will make sure that I am incorporating a time to move during the day – whether it is a walk outside or a neighborhood group exercise session (while also social distancing).

Your Reflections:
2 Challenges

2 Positives

What can you do differently tomorrow to decrease your boredom?



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