
Determination is another one of our core essentials for the school year.  In our growth journals, we have defined determination as “deciding it is worth it to finish what you have started.” One of the steps in cognitive behavioral therapy is the determination factor: becoming more focused and determined in conquering your anxiety.   Reminding yourself of your daily goal – whether it is to finish your schoolwork, to create a routine, or to implement strategies to reduce your anxiety, etc. – will help you to reach that goal.

My Reflections:
2 Challenges
Trying to finish required paperwork while balancing distance learning and adjusting to working from home.
Social distancing has been challenging for all of us (especially my children who want to play with friends outside) but we are determined to keep our distance until this virus is controlled.

2 Positives
I was able to finish the paperwork that is due tomorrow one day early by focusing on one activity at a time.
Even though I’m not seeing my co-workers at Pocopson anymore, I was able to zoom with them and catch up on how they are doing this week.

What can you do differently tomorrow to be more determined?
I have set a 2 hour block of time to finish the additional paperwork that needs to be completed so that I can take some time off from screens in the afternoon.

Your Reflections:
2 Challenges

2 Positives

What can you do differently tomorrow to be more determined?


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